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Local Criminal Rules Correction

Friday, January 10, 2020

Local Criminal Rules Correction

Due to a typograhical error, an intended change to Appendix A of the Local Criminal Rules did not appear in the redlined version of the Rules posted for comment.  The redlined and clean versions of the Local Criminal Rules have been corrected so that the text in Appendix A accurately reflects the text of LCrR 30(a).


Line 12 of Appendix A as it was published in the redlined version posted for comment:

12.          Jury Instructions Filed    10 days before trial and during trial          CrR 30(c)


Corrected version of Line 12 of Appendix A:

12.          Jury Instructions Filed    14 days before trial for the government and 10 days before trial for the defense and during trial                 CrR 30(a)