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CM/ECF Newsletter

Note: The CM/ECF Newsletter is currently on hiatus. There will not be an issue for April 2024. The next issue will be posted and distributed in August 2024. 

The CM/ECF Newsletter provides filing tips, court news and other information. To subscribe, contact ECF Support ( To guarantee delivery, please make sure to add our email address to your safe list.

Current Issue
Relocation of Bellingham Court, Updated Fee Schedule, 9th Circuit Civics Contest, New event, Return of Virtual CM/ECF Training, CM/ECF vs. PACER and more. 

Past Issues

October 2023
New District Judges, New and Updated CM/ECF Events, and Local Criminal Rules Amendments.

July 2023
New District Judge, New and Updated CM/ECF Events, Top Attorney Filing Issues, and more.

April 2023
New Magistrate Judge, Updated LCRs, Updated CM/ECF Filing Procedures.

Jan 2023
New Chief Judge, Judicial Nominations, Proposed Amendments to LCRs, 2023 Ninth Circuit Civics Contest, Amended FRCP: Supplemental Rules for Social Security Actions, and more. 

Oct 2022
Court Operations under COVID-19, Proposed Updated FRCPs, Judicial Nominations, Removal Jury Demand, How to Add Secondary Emails, and more. 

July 2022
Court Operations under COVID-19, 2022 9th Circuit Civics Contes, CM/ECF Training Survey, Check PDF Utility, Cross Motions and Multi-Plaintiff Motion to Proceed In Forma Pauperis.

April 2022
Court Operations under COVID-19, New Judges, and Updated Local Civil Rules.

January 2022
Court Operations under COVID-19, 2022 9th Circuit Civics Contest, New Judges, Proposed Local Civil Rules, Chrome and ECF, and more.

October 2021
Court Operations under COVID-19, 2021 9th Circuit Civics Contest, Holiday Schedule, CM/ECF Upgrade, and more.

July 2021
COVID opperations, Judicial Nominations, Updated CM/ECF Events, Filing Tips and more.

April 2021
General Orders re Court Operations, New Clerk of Court, New Magistrate Judge, Ninth Circuit Civics Contest, Filing Tips, and more.

January 2021
Filing Fee changes, New transcript order form, Legal advice, Selecting a filer in a criminal case, and more.

November 2020
COVID-19, Intake drop box, E-filing News, Pro Se corner, and more.