In November 2015, the Western District of Washington hosted a Bench & Bar CLE on the topic of Social Security. We are happy to provide a series of videos that captured this event. Copies of the PowerPoint slides and PDF materials have also...
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News & Announcements
Consistent with the executive order signed by President Obama, the court will be closing at 12:30PM on Thursday, December 24th.
Please see the attached General Order, signed December 15th, 2015, reappointing Magistrate Judge Brian A. Tsuchida.
Please see the attached Amended General Order, signed December 9th, 2015, regarding Availability and Redaction Policies for...
The Court invites you to review and comment on proposed amendments to both the Local Civil Rules and Local Criminal Rules, available on the Court's Local Rules web page. Comments may be sent via email to...
Please see the attached General Order, signed December 1st, 2015, regarding the applicability of Amended Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(m).
Please see the attached flyer to view the slate of 2016 FBA Officer and Trustee nominees.
Check out the latest edition of the CM/ECF Newsletter. Topics include the 2015 Judicial Institute for High School Teachers, updates on the next generation release of CM/ECF, filing...
The Western District of Washington will continue video recording proceedings, with consent of the parties, until March, 2016, but will only seek consent of the parties upon receipt of a specific request for video recording from the presiding...
The 'Attorney's Guide to Opening a Civil Case' has been updated and can be found on our Attorneys - Civil Case Opening page....