Social Security Appeals Practice in the Ninth Circuit and the Western District of Washington
Friday, February 10th, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
U.S. District Court
700 Stewart Street, Seattle, WA 98101
19th Floor Conference Room
Please join us for the annual CLE Seminar sponsored by the Western District of Washington’s Social Security Committee. This year’s program will be hosted by the Hon. Benjamin Settle, U.S. District Court Judge and Chair of the W.D. of Washington Social Security Committee.
Hon. Ricardo S. Martinez, Chief District Judge will provide an overview on managing Social Security Appeals in Western Washington.
Paul Keller, a supervisory staff attorney for the Ninth Circuit, will speak about effective strategies for brief writing before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in social security appeals, and share practice tips and “pet peeves” from Ninth Circuit judges.
Ms. Lori Vandiver and Ms. Clarissa McLane, two program experts at the Social Security Administration, will provide an important update regarding the upcoming changes to the mental disorder listings in the federal regulations.
Finally, agency medical contractor Dr. Arthur Lewy will describe how non-examining sources reach their conclusions. He will also explain how medical consultants view different kinds of evidence, such as mental status evaluations, and assess mental limitations.
The program is free of charge and pre-approved for 3 CLE credits. Please register in advance using the following link:
Questions? Please contact
The agenda for this event may be found here.